Return-Path: Return-Path: From: "Stepanian, Salpie" To: "''" Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 16:56:38 -0400 X-UIDL: 18ad4b1e299d2b11042bf3e263d6ba30 July 2, 1998 Golok Buday Dear Mr. Buday: Thank you for your e-mail of June 25th on a variety of issues. Preston Manning appreciates your message and has asked me to respond on his behalf. We have noted your comments in favour of making Canada a constitutional republic. While the Reform Party has no official position on the monarchy, Mr. Manning personally favours a Constitutional Democracy in which the legislative and executive powers of government are derived from and vested in the people themselves. He recognizes the need in Constitutional Democracies for an official Head of State, who symbolizes the authority of the people and exercises limited powers on their behalf. His personal view is that in a Constitutional Democracy, the people themselves should be able to choose this Head of State, rather than having the Head of State prescribed by the Constitution or appointed on a patronage basis by the government of the day. If a majority of Canadians were to prefer, for historical and ideological reasons, to have the office of Head of State continue to be filled by the Queen and her successors, he would support this decision entirely. However, if the majority of Canadians were to prefer the office to be occupied by a Canadian citizen - someone of outstanding stature who is above and beyond government administration and elective politics - this would also be fine with him. For Mr. Manning, the important thing is that the Head of State should be above and beyond the executive and legislative areas of government, and enjoy the confidence and support of the people. Your comments on Senate reform, immigration and electoral reform have also been noted. Your input is truly appreciated. Sincerely, Salpie Stepanian Assistant to the Leader /mca