brigade-l Thursday, October 19 2000 Volume 01 : Number 112 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 22:21:06 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] 2 from the Brigade - Netscape Poll: Buchanan gets 16% out of 258,711 votes! From: "daltonc" Subject: LET'S ROLL WITH PAT BUCHANAN AND EZOLA FOSTER! Date sent: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 16:47:06 -0500 Greetings To all of The Georgia Freedom Party From Clay Dalton! I have some great news! Pat Buchanan is taking off in many of the polls and in the netscape poll he has reached 15%. Pat will be on the Atlanta Radio with Neil Boortz this Friday Octiober 20, 2000 at 10:00 AM. The call in number for the show is 404- 872-0750 as far as I know. Let's keep questions for Pat on "Reform Topics" and avoid Mid-East, it will NOT get us any VOTES. Here's a few to consider should you get in the conversation: 1) Will A Buchanan Foster Administration Reform The Tax Code and Kill Off The 7 Million Word IRS income Tax Code? 2) Why Has The GOP Congress not enacted Tax Reform, and increased the budget if they are the smaller government party? 3) How can Bush call himself a conservative when he has proposed 800 BILLION in NEW SPENDING which will require TAX INCREASES!? 4) Don't You think that Minority Americans will vote In Support of Ezola Foster, The FIRST Black Female Vice Presidential Candidate In History? 5) Why has Bush done such a poor job against the most corrupt democratic administration in American history? Keep your questions direct, to the point and try not to ramble. I am going to Ellijay Georgia Tonight to Colonel Poole's BBQ to drop off some yard signs and flyers (about 150 signs ) so if you need some for your neighborhood, go to Colonel Poole's BBQ this Saturday and enjoy the leaves, your conservative brethren and eat a BBQ sandwich and put up a sign in your yard. You can't miss His BBQ place on I-575 North at Ellijay, GA next to the Wal Mart. Colonel Poole is a great American and he loves Pat Buchanan! Get a flyer and make copies if you have to. Go to your stores and businesses in your area and place them on cars etc. We are in the final swing! I will be going to Dalton tomorrow to leave some signs there with Mr. Ken Lawson who is doing a great job up there, he has a booth at the fair and has a great bunch of patriots working for Pat. If you live in the area and can help him distribute materials call him at 706-695-4294. Let's Ride to the sound of the guns, as Pat would say, we're on our own to restore freedom- it's up to you and me to convert someone every day! Don't forget those Bush supporters that MAY Change their mind if they know we're on the ballot! They ceratinly won't elect a conservative! Call your radio local talk shows like crazy. You can reach more people like this than you can with any other effort. Tell them that the GOP has left smaller government behind by increasing the budget and that YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY WILL BE VOTING FOR BUCHANAN/FOSTER! Tell them Bush Plans 800 Billion in New Spending. Tell Them that the Democrat Union members need to vote Buchanan/Foster if they don't want more treaties like NAFTA! Tell Them that Buchanan/Foster WILL BRING OUR TROOPS HOME instead of sending them all over the world! You got the idea! YAHOO! Clay Dalton Chairman, Georgia Freedom Party. - ----------- From: "David Meissner" To: Date sent: Tue, 17 Oct 2000 03:01:55 -0500 10/17/00 - 1:56:38 AM Buchanan gets 16% out of 258,711 votes! On Oct. 16th, Netscape held an online poll of their own. The question asked..."Who's your pick for president?" Out of 258,711 votes, Pat Buchanan came out with a respectable 40,965, prevailing over Ralph Nader's 17,139. Pretty good for having virtually no publicity to match the Republicrat establishment parties. So why are the big five media polls showing Buchanan at zero? The answer could possibly be their loaded questions given to prospective voters. Of course, the threshold of qualification for third party participation in the 2000 presidential debate was set to 15% in five major media polls one week before any debate. This was determined after it was noted, in the fall of 1999, that Pat Buchanan would be leaving the Republican party and move his brigades to the Reform Party. Apparently the 65-70 percent of people polled, that said they prefered third party candidates in the debates this year, didn't matter to the FEC. Chris Matthews, of CNN's Hardball, accompanied John McCain to Michigan this week where an audience of voters were asked how many wanted to see Ralph Nader and Pat Buchanan in the presidential debates. The audience responded with an overwhelming applause. John McCain's response, in not so many words, was that we had to narrow it down somehow. I wonder how Mr. McCain, who supports campaign reform, would have felt if he was excluded from the primary debates? This just goes to show you how much America truly needs, not only campaign reform, but congressional reform too. While we are at it maybe we could dismantle this unconstitutional, corporate funded, bi-partisan (not "NON-PARTISAN") organization known as the Commission on Presidential Debates. Just "Remember in November" that these big media polls are nothing more than fabricated numbers designed to lock third parties out of Government for good. If you want reform, "Vote Reform." David Meissner Reform Party of Minnesota Website Development Team - -------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 10:22:17 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] FL- New TV Ad; Address University of Florida Buchanan-Foster 2000 For Immediate Release - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 Contact Brian Doherty/Rick Mangus (703) 734-2700 BUCHANAN UNVEILS NEW TV AD IN FLORIDA Thursday, October 19, 2000 Early am ET Buchanan interviews on local morning TV 9:00am Press conference-Buchanan unveils new cultural war TV commercial - Tampa, FL 12:00pm Press conference - Orlando, FL 8:00pm Address - University of Florida Center for the Performing Arts Gainesville, FL For more information please contact HQ: (703) 734-2700 - --------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 11:00:57 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Don Feder Praises Buchanan Dear Brigade, "The governor can't sneeze without consulting a focus group. ... If Bush wins, Republicans will be convinced that this is the key to victory - fleeing their principles, running on sunshine and trying to out-Clinton Clinton when it comes to emoting.... Buchanan is having a grand old time campaigning on issues that have Republicans cowering...." GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linda - -------- Reticence becomes the right's stuff by Don Feder Wednesday, October 18, 2000 No guts, no glory - and not much of either on the right these days. Syndicated talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger is great at telling her callers to stand up for their principles. But under pressure from homosexual activists, the doctor found it impossible to defend her own. In a full-page ad in Variety, Schlessinger abjectly apologized for once calling homosexuality ``deviant.'' ``In talking about gays and lesbians, some of my words were poorly chosen,'' Schlessinger confessed. ``I deeply regret the hurt this situation has caused the gay and lesbian community.'' Activists in that community do not regret their jackboot tactics. What Schlessinger probably regrets most is the advertising boycott the movement has launched against her radio and TV show. (It's succeeding due to the gutlessness of corporate America.) Her apology was rejected by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, which said she hadn't groveled enough. Then there's George W. Bush, who promises to return integrity to the White House. In the second presidential debate, he somehow mustered the courage to oppose gay marriage (``I think marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman''), then proceeded to spend five minutes apologizing for his stand (``I'm going to be respectful for people who may disagree with me. . . . I've been called a uniter . . . I, I, I will be a tolerant person''). Couldn't he just have said: ``This is wrong. In the name of diversity, you can't repeal the laws of nature. That sodomy is no longer a felony does not make it a family value.'' This isn't the only place where Republicans regularly impersonate groundhogs. Immigration, racial quotas, abortion - almost any issue on which they could be accused of insensitivity sends them diving for cover. We've become so obsessed with the bauble of a possible victory that we're blinded to the ultimate goal of changing society. A friend in D.C. confided that in conversations with Republican congressmen, she was bluntly told that they didn't care what Bush believed, or if he believed anything, all that mattered was winning the White House. This is what that pragmatism got them. In the first debate, the governor said he'd do nothing to reverse the Food and Drug Administration's approval of the RU-486 abortion pill, making a mockery of his professed pro-life stand. In the second, he begged forgiveness for a position that 70 percent of the public considers common sense. The governor can't sneeze without consulting a focus group. The public says it doesn't like negativity so Bush refuses to criticize the corruption and criminality of the Clinton years. If Bush wins, Republicans will be convinced that this is the key to victory - fleeing their principles, running on sunshine and trying to out-Clinton Clinton when it comes to emoting. I may not agree with all of their positions, but it's refreshing to have Pat Buchanan, Ralph Nader and Libertarian Harry Browne in the race - guys who aren't afraid to stand for something. In California, Buchanan is running a TV ad where a man begins choking on his dinner when he hears that the government is moving to strip English of its official status. He dials 911. While a recording goes through a list of language choices, he expires. Don't hold your breath waiting for Bush to take a position on official English. Buchanan is having a grand old time campaigning on issues that have Republicans cowering. On the abortion pill, a Buchanan radio spot observes, ``Friends, this pill is a human insecticide.'' Another compliments Vermonters for seeking to overturn the state's civil unions law, ``In the struggle . . . between decency and decadence, you have shown that defeats are not irreversible.'' Dr. Laura advises callers to sacrifice for their families, then caves in on an issue that threatens the very definition of family. (What price a TV show?) Bush begs us not to hate him for believing in something the elite despises. How can the public choose sides, when one side has nothing left to surrender? Not until the right is prepared to lose on principles will we ever hope to win this culture war on which our nation's survival depends. Lieberman's trick: posing as moralist In this peace plan, Israel may RIP . . . Let's tune out media's pro-Gore bias The morality play is just for show - --------- end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 14:25:21 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Bush Pro-Life? You Read It Here First! Dear Brigade, "The level and the substance of the debates would have been immeasurably enhanced if Patrick Buchanan had been included as a participant. Pat would have eviscerated both Gore and Bush. He would have been able to speak to issues cogently and persuasively. Alas, that is why he has been excluded...." This excellent piece by Dr. Droleskey should be forwarded and posted far and wide - For the Cause, Linda - -------- From: "Dobey, Allen" Subject: Take a look at a recent Droleskey column Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 10:53:44 -0400 - ----- Original Message ----- From: "Griffin Internet Syndicate" Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2000 9:17 PM Subject: Droleskey column, You Read It Here First, 10/5/00 You Read It Here First by Thomas A. Droleskey Well, faithful readers, you read it here first. I have been beating the drums (and losing a lot of subscribers in the process) of how shallow a man George W. Bush is. His performance on the life issue in the debate with Vice President Albert Arnold Gore on October 3 was pathetic. Calling himself "pro-life" while saying that he would be powerless as president to reverse the Food and Drug Administration's approval of the human pesticide, RU-486, Bush said that he would have to abide by the agency's finding that the human kill pill was "safe" for women. The sad thing is, you see, Bush does not see any inconsistency in his position whatsoever. As one who has been enabled by the pro-life establishment into believing that one can call himself "pro-life" while supporting the slicing and dicing of little babies in certain cases as a matter of principle, Bush believes that anything he says or does will be indemnified by the likes of the National Right to Life Committee (which actually supports abortion itself as a matter of principle in cases where a mother's life is alleged to be at stake). To wit, something called the "Pro-Life Infonet," which is supervised by Steven Ertelt and Sally Winn (both of whom are closely associated with the NRTL Committee) tried to spin Bush's horrible debate performance by deliberately omitting his statements about the "safety" of RU-486 and his powerlessness to do anything about reversing the FDA decision if he became president. The Infonet cut and pasted various Bush comments to make it appear as though he came out swinging against Gore on abortion, something that was not the case at all. While Bush said he was "disappointed" that the FDA had made its decision and that he was concerned that the decision would increase the number of abortions, he came right out and said that he would do nothing to reverse the decision. Indeed, moderator Jim Lehrer was incredulous at Bush's answer, asking the Texas governor to clarify his initial response. Bush strongly reiterated his belief that the decision would stand, especially since the FDA had determined that the human kill pill was "safe" for women. Bush had nothing to fear. Just as Clinton has his enablers in Congress and in the media, Bush has his enablers in the Establishment pro-life community. Sure, Bush said he wanted to "reduce" the number of abortions in the country so as to foster a culture of life. However, he used language strikingly similar to that of Bill Clinton, who said in 1992 that he wanted to make abortions "safe, legal, and rare." Bush did not say that he wanted to make abortions safe and legal, but his reference to the alleged "safety" of RU-486 indicates he does not understand that there is no form of child- killing that is safe for a child or for his mother. The child is killed dead. The mother is wounded spiritually -- and frequently suffers physical injuries that are masked by those who have a vested interest in promoting the lie that legal child-killing is safe. Legalized child-killing is inherently unsafe for both mother and child. Moreover, Bush tried to have it both ways on the matter of his judicial appointments. Saying that he had no litmus test for judicial nominees, Bush dared voters to look at his record of judicial appointments in Texas. Indeed, let's look at his record in Texas. He has appointed four pro- abortion judges to the Texas Supreme Court, each of whom voted to overturn a mere parental notification law which had been passed by the Texas legislature. He has appointed pro-aborts and pro-sodomites to vacancies in various lower courts in Texas. Governor Bush is not lying when he says that he has no litmus test for judicial nominees. He has no problem with appointing people who support defiance of the precepts of the Divine positive law and the natural law through their support of the slaughter of innocent children under cloak of judicial positivism. And you'd better believe that George W. Bush has no problem whatsoever with appointing pro-aborts to other positions in government. After all, abortion is only a "matter of opinion" about which we "good" people can legitimately disagree, right? I know I am beating a dead horse with you, my faithful readers. But repetition is the mother of learning. Partial-birth abortion? As I have noted endlessly in recent months, even a complete no- exceptions ban on that form of child-killing would save not one life. Why? Precisely because there are other methods of killing a child in the later stages of pregnancy that remain perfectly legal. As it stands now, however, the current bill that has been thrice passed by Congress contains a needless life- of-the-mother-exception through which the proverbial Mack truck can be driven. As Dr. Charles E. Rice demonstrated recently, a baby- killer said that the exception contained in all partial-birth abortion bans would be relatively easy to circumvent. Thus, not only would the current bill not stop one late-term abortion, it would likely not stop this particular form of child-killing from being employed. It would be meaningless. However, the over- emphasis on partial-birth abortion continues to delude even good people into thinking that a candidate who conditionally opposes this particular form of child-killing is to be considered as a pro-life champion, thus enabling out-and-out frauds to grab our votes cheaply while the culture of death is further institutionalized in our national consciousness. Most of the Bush-Gore debate on October 3, though, did not revolve around the most important moral issue of our day. No, most of the debate revolved around which candidate was best able to pick our pockets to fund unconstitutional and unjust entitlement programs. Both Gore and Bush believe that government has a legitimate right to confiscate and redistribute our private property in order to make it appear as if we cannot live without the beneficence of the state. And they believe that government has a role to play in such matters as education, which the natural law teaches us is the province of parents, whose rights as the principal educators of their children have been preempted by the educrats who plan and enforce ideologically laden curricula at the national and state levels. More of that drivel will be offered to us in the two remaining presidential debates and the single debate between the vice- presidential candidates on October 5. The level and the substance of the debates would have been immeasurably enhanced if Patrick Buchanan had been included as a participant. Pat would have eviscerated both Gore and Bush. He would have been able to speak to issues cogently and persuasively. Alas, that is why he has been excluded. Shallow men whose every utterance is shaped by focus groups and political consultants never want to deal with people who can actually reason their way through to logical conclusions and who can pierce through sophistry quite surgically. As I note all of the time, there is no salvation in politics. We must raise our voices authentically as Catholics to plant the seeds for the social reign of Christ the King and Mary our Queen. Pope John Paul II will be consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on October 7. That consecration, which will be the first time that any Pope has publicly uttered the word "Russia" in connection with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, will work major miracles in the world. The consecration of Russia to our Lady's Immaculate Heart will be the antidote the world has long needed to stop the spreading of Russia's many errors, chronicled in the late June/mid July issue of Christ or Chaos. And one of the many errors of Russia is the belief that we find our salvation in politics and political ideologies, a sentiment shared by both liberals and conservatives in this country. May we pray that the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will embolden each of us to think and to speak as Catholics, never doubting the power of the graces won for us by the shedding of our Lord's Most Precious Blood of Calvary to transform a culture of death into one of eternal life. The happy dreams of hollow men who run for elected office must not be our dreams. We must see the world clearly through the eyes of the true faith, and be willing to risk everything in order to lift high the Cross of our Divine Redeemer as the standard of both our own individual lives and of the life of our nation. Viva Cristo Rey! - ------ Sign up to receive all of Dr. Droleskey's columns via e-mail. You'll get 2-3 columns per week for just $25 per year. See for details. - ---------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 14:37:44 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Buchanan Backs Farmers in North Dakota Dear Brigade, North Dakota LOVES Pat! Read and pass this on to ALL! Linda - ------------ Buchanan Backs Farmers in North Dakota by: Erin Hemme Froslie Fargo Forum - October 17, 2000 Hours before the final debate between the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates, Reform Party presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan told North Dakota supporters Tuesday they are being cheated because he hasn’t been allowed to participate. "The Reform Party is one of three parties funded by you," he said, reminding audience members that the party received $12 million in campaign financing from the federal government. "You’re being robbed. You’re being cheated. You’re being denied the right to hear a candidate you’re paying for." Buchanan held a half-hour rally for about 200 people Tuesday at North Dakota State University. His appearance was part of a three-day campaign swing through the Upper Midwest. After being greeted with chants of "Go, Pat. Go," and "Win, Pat. Win," Buchanan laid out his pro-life, pro-American and pro- family farm agenda. Calling himself "unapologetically pro-life," Buchanan was cheered and applauded by the audience. To support family farms, he said, the United States needs to be more critical of trade agreements like NAFTA and GATT. "I would change American trade policies," he said. "The preservation of the family farm is more important to America than the preservation of the World Trade Organization," an international body dealing with rules of trade between nations. After about 20 minutes, Buchanan opened the rally to questions from the audience. Among their concerns were campaign financing reform, federal education standards, accessibility to health care and gun control. Buchanan consistently touted his belief that states should have more control over issues such as health care, guns and education. "America is about freedom," he said. "You don’t need some guy in sandals and beads in the Department of Education telling you what to do. You know what’s best for North Dakota." Tuesday was Buchanan’s fifth visit to North Dakota since March 1999. He said he keeps returning because he likes the people. Those who heard Buchanan’s speech said they like his honest approach to the issues. Kathy Kirkeby of Fargo said she’s been active in the Republican Party for the last 10 years, but realized that politicians "speak only to what people want to hear." To her, Buchanan is different. "He stands up for truth," she said. "He’s not a politician." Laura Gardner, a recent NDSU graduate, said she’s impressed with Buchanan’s pro-life and trade views. Buchanan said he is committed to building a new conservative party. "There is no conservative party in Washington, D.C., today," he said, adding that the Republican Party has abandoned its traditionally conservative ideology ever since the Cold War ended. Buchanan’s campaign has stumbled across a number of bumps in this year’s election. A battle to claim the Reform banner – and the federal campaign funds that go with it – and health problems have consumed precious time. But most damaging of all, Buchanan said, is that he hasn’t been allowed to debate the major party candidates. "They’ve made up their mind that they’re going to kill third parties," he said. "They’re scared. But with those two boring candidates, I can understand why." Buchanan will hold a similar rally today at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. - ------ end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 14:07:21 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Don't Vote Out of Fear Dear Brigade, "...sisters Julie Moonen and Theresa Leitermann, both intend to vote for Buchanan in November.... Moonen said her family hasn't benefited from the economic boom of the 1990s, and she doesn't know many who have.... Neither she nor Leitermann consider Buchanan a spoiler. "Bush has to deserve my vote and, if he can't get votes from conservatives like us, he doesn't deserve (to win)," Leitermann said. "People should vote for the best candidate. They shouldn't vote out of fear..." GO PAT GO!!!!!!!!!! Linda - --------- Buchanan Makes His Case in Wausau by: Susan Squires Wausau Post-Crescent There is no hope for peace in the Middle East without justice for Palestinians in Israel, Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan said during a campaign stop Monday at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County. "They need a homeland, a state, a nation, a flag of their own and capital in Arab East Jerusalem," Buchanan said. "A lot of people say no to that. I think if you say no to that, you are basically saying no to peace." While the United States has a moral obligation to help Israel protect its borders, Buchanan said, it also has a duty to arbitrate fairly. "If we are going to be honest brokers, we got to have the courage to stand up and say when Israel is wrong as well as when the Palestinians are wrong," Buchanan said. At stake in this election for Buchanan is not only the presidency, but the future of the fledgling Reform Party. Buchanan's campaign is financed with $12.6 million in federal campaign funds made possible because the party's first presidential candidate, Ross Perot, won more than 5 percent of the popular vote in 1996. Buchanan needs to do the same if the party is to qualify for federal funds in 2004, but the most recent Gallup Poll shows his backing at about 1 percent of likely voters. Buchanan lays some of the blame for his lackluster showing on the Republican and Democratic parties, who he says have an "iron lock on the presidency of the United States." "You have a two party duo-opoly in Washington," he said. "Both parties are bought and paid for by giant corporations. ... That's why they sound so much alike." His exclusion and that of Green Party candidate Ralph Nader from the presidential debates proves his point, Buchanan says. The Presidential Debate Commission, chaired by former heads of the Democratic and Republican national committees, required participants to amass 15 percent in five national polls. "If you are not allowed to hear the candidate, and hear his views," Buchanan asked, "who benefits?" Buchanan's views, which he has aired on television programs like "Crossfire," "Capitol Gang," and "The McLaughlin Group," are staunchly conservative. He opposes abortion and would appoint justices to the Supreme Court accordingly. He supports an "America first" trade policy, opposes affirmative action and would pull U.S. armed forces out of Kosovo, South Korea and Kuwait and place them along the Mexican border to combat illegal immigration. Buchanan, who served as White House communications director during the Reagan administration and sought the Republican's nomination for president, said he left the Republican Party because it left him and is unconcerned about the effect his candidacy may have on the close race between Democrat Al Gore and Republican George Bush. "I certainly do not want to see Mr. Clinton Gore given another four years," Buchanan said. "But my problem with Republicans is they would not fight Clinton and Gore. On issue, after issue, after issue, they agreed with Clinton and Gore." About 300 people attended Buchanan's "town hall" meeting Monday, including sisters Julie Moonen and Theresa Leitermann, who sat on the packed auditorium's floor with their children. Both intend to vote for Buchanan in November. Moonen, who lives in Merrill, said her family hasn't benefited from the economic boom of the 1990s, and she doesn't know many who have. She likes Buchanan's opposition to the North American Free Trade Agreement and permanent trade with China, which she believes have eroded U.S. manufacturing. "The U.S. will become a third world country in no time," Moonen said. "No jobs, no prosperity." Neither she nor Leitermann consider Buchanan a spoiler. "Bush has to deserve my vote and, if he can't get votes from conservatives like us, he doesn't deserve (to win)," Leitermann said. "People should vote for the best candidate. They shouldn't vote out of fear." - -------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 14:16:35 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] She's Standing Pat for Buchanan Dear Brigade, another Brigader in the news! GO PAT (Owens) GO!!!!!!!!! Linda - ------- Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 11:34:40 -0700 From: Patricia Owens Subject: Shepherd Express Metro: News Linda, Here's an article that appeared in the Shepherd Express this past week on Pat Buchanan. The Shepherd Express is quite a liberal and Democratic voice, so this was good for them. Pat - ---------- Shepherd Express - Milwaukee October 12, 2000 She's Standing Pat for Buchanan BY Bill Kurtz Patricia Owens and Jim Carpenter share a negative view of economic globalization. In 1993, they worked together to organize a rally against the North American Free Trade Agreement. But their views on the topic have led them in opposite political directions. Carpenter is active in Milwaukee efforts for Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader; Owens is state chair for Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan. Buchanan will share the Reform Party tag on the Wisconsin ballot after a particularly divisive convention that somehow produced two presidential tickets from the same party. Buchanan is clearly coming from the far right of George Bush, and his stands on issues other than NAFTA-such as his attacks on immigration and his opposition to gun control-would make Nader backers blanch. Owens, who lives in East Troy, grew up in Kenosha where her father was a union activist and Democrat while her mother was a Republican. "I saw the best and worst of both parties," she recalls. Ronald Reagan inspired Owens to become a Republican, but she says, "the Republicans turned me off. There was no grassroots input, just fundraising." In 1992, Owens got behind Reform Party founder Ross Perot and headed Perot's United We Stand organization in the state. But she complains that Perot did little to follow up his anti- NAFTA statements. Owens became impressed with Buchanan's opposition to NAFTA, and was Wisconsin co-chair of his 1996 bid for the Republican nomination before following him out of the GOP in 2000. "You've got [George W.] Bush, who was put in there by his father; and [Al] Gore, who was anointed because he was vice president," she scoffs. "That's why you won't see them talking about real issues. It's big business running us now. That's no choice." Like Nader backers, Owens cites several issues on which major-party candidates take similar stands. "Bush and Gore are the same bird, with the same agenda," Owens says. "One has a left wing, one has a right wing. They are for the World Trade Organization, GATT and the United Nations." Buchanan is also known for being much further to the right than Bush would be on many social issues including abortion, immigration and civil rights. He was a staffer for presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. Owens doubts that most of the Perot loyalists in the Reform Party will stick with Buchanan. She hopes he will attract support from unhappy farmers and union members, especially when a recent Senate vote to liberalize trade with China provided a reminder of trade issues. Buchanan, sidelined for a month by gall bladder surgery, has had trouble topping 1% in the polls. He will spend Monday in Wisconsin, visiting Green Bay and Wausau before speaking at 7 p.m. at Marquette University. The campaign also was stalled by the determination of where $12 million in federal campaign funds should go after the chaos at the national Reform Party convention. Although Buchanan charged that the cash was about enough to run a Senate campaign in a medium-sized state, he didn't turn it down, and this week Buchanan's first television spots began running in 13 states. Don't count on seeing the spots, which blast illegal immigration and call for an "English only" policy. Scott McConnell, a spokesman at Buchanan's national headquarters in Vienna, Va., explains that the campaign, at least at first, is bypassing the hardest-fought states. With the barrage of Bush and Gore votes here, McConnell says, "there's a greater chance our ads will be lost." McConnell says they "may expand the buy" to additional states. For now, the only Buchanan ads he is aware of in Wisconsin are radio spots in the Fox Valley. - ------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:22:44 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] No PJB Protest - Reporter "Disappointed" Dear Brigade, "To my surprise, Buchanan received a warm, even rousing, reception at Marquette. There were no protesters, not one sign, not one boo or hiss. I was sure there had to be angry young scholars who would not appreciate Pat Buchanan's vision for America and might want to say so.... I was wrong. Oh-oh, no conflict. What's my angle now? ... " Brigade, this reporter admits going to Pat's event at Marquette University in Milwaukee hoping to highlight the anti-Buchanan protestors. As he found out, wherever Pat goes on the Trail these days he is applauded, cheered, and thanked for standing strong in his beliefs. The disappointed reporter couldn't find anyone to give him juicy quotes about how awful PJB is so he filled up the rest of his column with his own liberal bias, disinformation, and even a snide comment about Shelley. Consider all that the establishment has done to our Pat during this campaign to keep him down yet he is still drawing record crowds and rousing cheers. Soon as I get the photos for this event I'll post them on our Trail section -- ! FTC-Linda - -------- Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - Oct. 18, 2000 Students disappoint, are civil to Buchanan by Jim Stingl Reporters always have been drawn to conflict like politicians to microphones. So I went to Marquette University on Monday evening to see what kind of welcome Pat Buchanan would get from college students on his first visit to Milwaukee to promote his candidacy for president on the Reform Party ticket. I thought I might find liberal activists parading outside the student union with their protest signs, and too-conservative-to- be-Republican Buchanan backers chanting, "Go, Pat, go." Buchanan is the candidate who admits - he said it again Monday - that in 1970 he wrote President Richard Nixon's speech announcing America's invasion of Cambodia. It was the words from his typewriter that set off new campus protests and resulted in the shooting deaths of four young people by the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University. Buchanan has all but called for gay people to go live on the moon where they can't threaten the family values of the rest of us. When he ran for president in 1992, he called AIDS "nature's retribution for violating the laws of nature." Abortion would become pretty much illegal if he became president and started picking Supreme Court justices, he has vowed. Woman who think too much or want too much are "radical feminists," to Buchanan. He wants a clampdown on the number of immigrants allowed into America because so many of them speak those funny languages. If everyone is not forced to learn English, Buchanan's new television commercial warns that soon we all may be choking on our meatballs while 911 operators attempt to speak to us in Swahili. Wow, they like him To my surprise, Buchanan received a warm, even rousing, reception at Marquette. There were no protesters, not one sign, not one boo or hiss. I was sure there had to be angry young scholars who would not appreciate Pat Buchanan's vision for America and might want to say so. I was wrong. Oh-oh, no conflict. What's my angle now? But you have to give credit to the university and a non-partisan organization that calls itself Students for a Politically Active Marquette for inviting Buchanan to come and say why he wants to be president. If only the committee that has barred Buchanan and Ralph Nader from the national presidential debates were so open-minded. At least 200 people showed up to hear Buchanan. He apparently doesn't merit Secret Service protection. Security at the event consisted of Marquette security guards checking students' backpacks for weapons and immigrants. The crowd was a mix of maybe 70% students, who listened politely, and 30% townies - older, staunch Buchananites - who showed up to clap really hard and cheer for Buchanan and his big-haired wife, Shelley. >From his many years of journalism and TV punditry, Buchanan is an excellent communicator who made his points forcefully and with flair. Focusing mostly on foreign policy, he said the U.S. should think twice before deciding once and for all that Israel is the good guy in the Middle East. We should be more discriminating where we send our troops, and we ought to be careful to retain our sovereignty as a nation as the globe shrinks and currencies merge. No pot for Pat He hardly waffled at all. He didn't try to tell the kids he "smoked the herb" like Al Gore did on MTV. He didn't bother to mention his running mate, Ezola Foster. He's a man with nothing to lose, the choice of one out of every 100 Americans in most polls. You know you're way behind when you're about to eat Nader's dust. But he pointed out that since we're all paying the $12.6 million his campaign is getting in federal election money, we might as well hear what he has to say. One student in the audience told me his professor had dismissed class early so they could hear Buchanan speak. The class is "Marx and Marxism." Call Jim Stingl at (414) 224-2017 or e-mail him at - --------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:26:46 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] VA - Ezola at Liberty University! Dear Brigade, Spread the word -- Ezola will be in Lynchburg next Monday! All VA Brigades on Duty! See you there! FTC-Linda - -------- From: Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:23:20 -0400 (EDT) To: Subject: Fwd: EZOLA FOSTER AT LIBERTY UNIVERSITY Attention Virginia Brigades: ***TOWN HALL MEETING***TOWN HALL MEETING*** Meet Mrs. Ezola Foster, Reform Party Vice Presidential nominee in Lynchburg, VA!! Date: Monday, October 23, 2000 Time: 6:00pm Place: Lynchburg University DeMoss Hall room DH160 Come on out, bring a friend, and show your support for the BUCHANAN/FOSTER ticket!! Mrs. Foster will speak, answer questions, and sign copies of her book, which will be available at the event. For more information call Carl Tate 804-582-3106 or call Buchanan Headquarters at 703-734-2700 - ------ end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:42:24 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] VOTE NOW!!!!!!!!!! From: "Jared Callanan" To: Subject: !!urgent!! VOTE.COM Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 19:35:58 EDT SUPPORTERS, WE NEED YOUR HELP: GO VOTE AT DICK MORRIS: HTTP://WWW.VOTE.COM LET'S SHOW THAT PAT BUCHANAN IS NOT AT 1% IN THE POLLS! TELL YOUR SUPPORTERS ON YOUR VOTING LISTS TO GO AND VOTE AS WELL! HTTP://WWW.VOTE.COM GO PAT GO! THANKS, JARED - -------- end ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 21:45:54 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Disgruntled ex-Reformers Endorse Nader From: "Jeanne Doogs" To: "Linda Muller" , Subject: PRESS RELEASE: Disgruntled ex- Reformers endorse Nader Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 20:03:59 -0500 Disgruntled ex-Reformers endorse Nader A small number of former Reform Party members who have been purged from party leadership positions due to poor performance in their duties have announced today they will be announcing tomorrow they will be endorsing Mr. Nader for President. According to Texas Reform Party leadership members in the state of Texas party, the feeling just somewhat short of wanting to dance in the streets. After months of being plagued by irresponsible anti-party activities, the leadership of Texas does not feel any loss what so ever in their move to the green party and their subsequent endorsement of Mr. Nader. "The sad part about all this is that we do not really wish Mr. Nader this kind of trouble." said Jeanne Doogs, State Chair of the Reform Party of Texas. "I would have hoped they could have endorsed and joined the Gore campaign or maybe even the Bush campaign. Where Buchanan is now showing 16% to 18% across the nation on every poll but the Presidential Debate Commission polls, we feel either candidate they joined would cause at least a 5% drop in support for either candidate. However, Mr. Nader, although too liberal for many of us, his heart on many issues in not only in the right place but we like him better than either Bush or Gore." For more information contact the Texas State Chair, Jeanne Doogs. Jeanne Doogs, Chair Reform Party of Texas 300 Trinidad Ct. Ft. Worth, TX 76126-3122 (817) 249-1242 (817) 249-8876 - FAX (888) 728-1347 - Texas Toll Free (877) GO-REFORM (467-33676) National Hotline BUCHANAN/FOSTER 2000 In Response to: Press Advisory October 17, 2000 CONTACT: Jake Lewis or Stacy Malkan (202) 265-4000 REFORM PARTY LEADERS TO ENDORSE NADER TOMMOROW Dallas, Texas WHO: Paul Truax, founder of the Reform Party of Texas and first RPT state chair; former RPT state chair Lee Pepper; and former Tarrant County Reform Party chair Sandy Madison WHAT: Press Conference and announcement of endorsement of Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader WHEN: Wednesday, Oct. 18 · 1 - 2 p.m. WHERE: Richland College · Room G138 (Guadelupe Hall) # # # # # Paid for by the Nader 2000 General Committee, Inc. Stacy Malkan Assistant Press Secretary Nader 2000 Campaign 202.265.4000 ext. 42 202.265.0183 (fax) Paid for by the Nader 2000 General Committee, Inc. P.O. Box 18002, Washington, D.C. 20036 - --------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 22:00:18 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Who Are You Calling "Illegal"? Dear Brigade -- A great column from National Review -- even a positive comment about Pat -- amazing! GO PAT GO!!!! Linda - ------- From: To: Subject: Thought you'd find this interesting Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 18:41:30 -0400 I came across this at National Review's website and thought you might find it of interest. National Review - 10/17/00 Who Are You Calling “Illegal”? Complaining about scofflaws is racist. By John Derbyshire, NR contributing editor However inured I think I am to the hypocrisy in American political discourse, media coverage of the immigration issue still takes my breath away. There was a prime example this last weekend in Newsday, the main newspaper out here where I live in Suffolk County on New York's Long Island. Newsday has a left-liberal editorial line, and I do not subscribe to the daily edition as a matter of principle — I just want to make this perfectly clear — but my wife likes the Sunday version because of the coupons that come with it. So here we are on page A8 of last Sunday's Newsday. Headline: EVENT SLAMS "ILLEGAL ALIENS." Note those quotation marks. If you read no further than the headline, you would presume that some event had been held — a public meeting, you could hardly help but infer, since there is an accompanying picture of a speaker on a podium — at which some group of people had been wrongly identified as illegal aliens; had been, in headline jargon, slammed as "illegal aliens." Who was this group, so unfairly characterized as "illegal aliens"? Well, it was ... illegal aliens. The event, held at a local VFW post, was organized by a local citizens group fed up with the presence of hundreds of Mexican day laborers in the town of Farmingville. Guest speaker was Glenn Spencer of the California-based "Voices of Citizens Together," a noisy but entirely respectable group that lobbies against illegal immigration. Over to Newsday: But Spencer's presence on Long Island set off alarm bells among national civil and immigrant rights groups that call his organization a "hate group" and charge that it encourages vigilantism. Newsday further reported that the 200 people who assembled to hear Mr. Spencer speak carried signs with legends like: "Illegal Aliens are Criminals ... Not Immigrants!!!!" and "Peaceful Solutions through Deportation". From the tone of the piece, I think we are supposed to find this shocking. And this, too: "A video put out by his [i.e. Spencer's] group summarizes the history of Mexico partly by saying the Aztec Indians practiced human sacrifice and cannibalism." Now, it's been a while since I read Bernal Diaz's Conquest of New Spain and Prescott's Conquest of Mexico, but if I recall correctly, the Aztecs did indeed practice those two things, with great gusto in both cases. So what point is Newsday making by telling us about this video? That Spencer's group tells the truth? Well, for sure they do a better job of it than the sub-editors of Newsday, with their mysteriously misplaced quotation marks. Yo, guys: illegal immigration is I-L-L-E-G-A-L. The Gray Lady covered the event, too. She quoted a member of the organizing group as stating the facts, well known locally, that the 1,500 Mexicans in Farmingville were all illegals, and that they live in grossly overcrowded conditions and pay no taxes. The other point of view — by which I suppose I mean the point of view that believes illegal immigrants have every right in the world to live here, violate housing ordinances and evade taxes — was put to the Times by a local pastor, the Rev. Allan B. Ramirez (uh-huh). Rev. Ramirez looked on the bright side, observing that opinions as unspeakably vile as Mr. Spencer's ("Peaceful Solutions through Deportation") might open the eyes of local people as to what their citizens' group was really up to: "We know the kind of hate rhetoric that is spewed from individuals like him, and perhaps in some odd way it will be good." (Why is "hate rhetoric" always "spewed"? Except when it's "spouted"? What is it with liberals and these "sp — " verbs?) A counter-rally — that is, in support of the illegal immigrants — has been organized by Paul Tonna, presiding officer of the Suffolk County legislature. Let me say that one more time: The man charged with supervising the crafting of laws for my county will march to defend the rights of foreigners to break the law with impunity. Mr. Tonna said the goal of the Sunday rally was to encourage elected officials to deal with the laborers' problems. "Any solution has to start with affirming the dignity of all human beings," he said. Well, yay for the dignity of all human beings; but what about RESPECT FOR THE LAW? How about "dealing with the laborers' problems" by sending them back where the hell they, ILLEGALLY, came from? This lunacy has even affected the Higher Journalism. The current (Sept/Oct 2000) issue of Foreign Affairs has a piece titled "Out-of-Control Immigration" by one James Goldsborough, bylined as "Foreign Affairs Columnist for The San Diego Union-Tribune." Mr. Goldsborough takes us through all the idiocy of current immigration practice (there doesn't seem much point to saying "law"), and gives a grim picture of the prospects for massive civil disorder if the economy takes a downturn and all those aliens suddenly have no jobs. After all this good sense, he concludes as follows. If Congress and the next president do not come up with reasonable solutions along the lines proposed by the Jordan Commission, the field will be clear for the unreasonable solutions advanced by politicians such as Pete Wilson and Patrick Buchanan and discriminatory initiatives like Proposition 187. Those "unreasonable" solutions and "discriminatory" initiatives include such measures as denying welfare services to illegal aliens and free public education to their children. Patrick Buchanan favors — oh, my God! — arresting illegal aliens and deporting them. So here we are. Illegal immigration can be referred to only in quotation marks. To object to it is "racist." Citizens who band together to clear these foreign scofflaws and freeloaders out of their neighborhoods are "hate groups." The attempt to deny taxpayer-funded welfare services to tax-evading foreign law- breakers is "discriminatory." Proposals to arrest illegal aliens — oops, sorry, I mean "illegal aliens" — and deport them are "unreasonable." Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. - ------- end --------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 22:14:39 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] New Netscape Poll Send reply to: From: "David Meissner" To: Subject: New Netscape Poll Date sent: Wed, 18 Oct 2000 16:49:39 -0500 Josh, Netscape has reset their poll from the other night. Send out a mailing for people to go to and vote for pat in the "Who's your pick for President" poll. Dave - ------ end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 13:21:51 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Vote Theft at VOTE.COM Dear Brigade, I saw it happen before my eyes as well -- see 2 emails below and note the times. Pat had 18% then went down to 8%: Patrick Buchanan (4,537) (18%) at 12:31pm Patrick Buchanan (1,502) (8%) at 1:12pm From: "Steven Hoffman" To: Subject: VOTE.COM Presidential Election Who's Your Choice Date sent: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 13:12:18 -0400 just removed 3000 votes from Buchanan and 3000 votes from Gore and gave them to Bush. LOL So much for the Polls being honest. Flo George W. Bush (16,324) (83%) Al Gore (1,396) (7%) Patrick Buchanan (1,502) (8%) Ralph Nader (345) (2%) at=4075633 - ---------- From: "Steven Hoffman" To: Subject: VOTE.COM Presidential Election Who's Your Choice Date sent: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 12:31:53 -0400 Day 2, 12:29 PM EST (Results are delayed 15 minutes) Total Votes: 25,904 percent votes George W. Bush (16,158) (62%) Al Gore (4,859) (19%) Patrick Buchanan (4,537) (18%) Ralph Nader (350) (1%) at=4075633 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of brigade-l V1 #112 ************************