brigade-l Saturday, October 21 2000 Volume 01 : Number 113 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 20:58:01 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Pat's New Ad Unveiled in Florida Dear Brigade, I haven't seen the ad yet but from reading the article below it looks like the campaign did an outstanding job -- hope they put it on the site tomorrow! FTC-Linda - -------- ABCNEWS.COM WIRE:10/19/2000 16:47:00 ET Buchanan ad targets cultural war ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) _ Pat Buchanan takes a stand for prayer in school and defends the Boy Scouts in the second national television ad of his Reform Party presidential campaign. The multimillion-dollar ad campaign began airing Thursday in 24 states and 209 markets, including north Florida, although campaign officials wouldn"t specify which states. "The purpose of this ad is to raise legitimate issues which are great controversies in America today that have been utterly ignored by the other candidates in the other parties _ that is the assault on America"s culture," Buchanan said at a news conference. Both topics are traditionally Republican issues, raising the possibility that the ad could be a threat to Republican nominee George W. Bush"s base in a key state like Florida. However, Buchanan has had little impact on presidential polling since leaving GOP. The ad opens with a teacher forcing apart the hands of a schoolgirl who is praying at her desk. "They"ve taken God and the Bible out of our schools," a narrator says. It cuts to a tablet of the Ten Commandments being torn from the wall and the narrator saying, "They"ve pulled the Ten Commandments off the classroom walls." Pictures of Boy Scouts then flash on the screen. "Now they"re after the Boy Scouts, calling them a hate group because they won"t let homosexual men be scout leaders." "It"s time to take our country back from those who are tearing it down," the narrator says. "George W. Bush and Al Gore will do nothing. One candidate isn"t afraid to fight back: Pat Buchanan." The ad ends with images of Buchanan and the narrator intoning, "Vote for the third party that puts families first. Vote Buchanan for President." The ad is the second in a $10 million media effort by Buchanan"s campaign. The first ad decried what Buchanan described as excessive immigration and the erosion of English as the nation"s dominant language. Buchanan said he hopes the new ad raises interest in issues largely ignored in the presidential campaign. He cited as examples a recent Supreme Court ruling barring student-led prayers at public high school football games and opposition to the Boy Scouts policy forbidding gay Scout leaders. Polls show Buchanan at the bottom of the presidential field, behind Republican Bush, Democrat Gore and the Green Party"s Ralph Nader. But he hopes to garner the minimum 5 percent of the vote needed to qualify for federal campaign funds in 2004. "I do believe in these ideas and issues and I believe that one day they"re going to prevail," he said. "This is a glorious opportunity and a golden opportunity to get those ideas to the American people." - -------- end ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 21:05:20 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] PJB: Ending Political Cowardice Dear Brigade, I found this on MSNBC - 10/19/00 GO PAT GO!!!!!!! Linda - -------- Message of the Day from Patrick J. Buchanan Ending Political Cowardice The two major parties have learned a lot from Bill Clinton over the last eight years. They have adopted the Clinton method of political cowardice. The best way to get elected, according to this new political axiom, is to stand for nothing without first consulting a pollster and be ready to change your position with the shifting of the political winds. I am committed to changing this disturbing trend. I will not sell my principles to highest bidder or sacrifice my values for the sake of power. If you are tired of politicians who will say and do anything to get elected, stand with me and we can build a new party. One whose candidates believe in the positions they take and are not afraid to confront our country's problems -- even the ones that are deemed too "divisive" by the political and media elite. Your vote will help build the foundation for that party. Together, we can clean up politics and restore integrity to our political process. - ---------- end ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 21:18:24 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Pat Wins Prize for "Pure Love of Animals" Dear Brigade, "But when the call came from Mr. Buchanan himself... He started pouring out so much heartfelt detail about his cat – name of Gipper – that I could hardly get a question in edgewise. This man is a cat-lover first, politician second.... Rating the candidates as to their pets rather than their politics is easy. Pat Buchanan wins the prize for pure love of an animal...." Brigade, almost forgot to let you know I put this on our site earlier today - and there is a great photo of Pat and Gipper -- check it out! FTC-Linda - --------- The Pols and Their Pets Best Friends Magazine - May/June 2000 by Alice Furlaud Pat Buchanan called me up one day. This is slightly misleading: in fact he was calling in response to a question I had left on his answering machine. I'd told the female electronic voice that I was a National Public Radio reporter asking if the Buchanans still had the cat I had read about in 1996. I was planning a radio survey of candidates' pets for NPR's Weekend Edition Saturday. But when the call came from Mr. Buchanan himself, I thought that this man had more on his mind than promoting his candidacy. I warned him I was at home and that my tape recorder was broken. He didn't care. He started pouring out so much heartfelt detail about his cat – name of Gipper – that I could hardly get a question in edgewise. This man is a cat-lover first, politician second. Gipper is a tabby, aged 14, a gift in 1984 from a friend who had been Mrs. Buchanan's matron of honor. "She bought him for thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents!" Mr. Buchanan told me, implying by his tone that this was an incredibly low price for a magnificent animal like Gipper. In fact, Gipper is something of a miracle cat. A few years ago he was severely ill with leukemia. He got well "after the 1996 campaign" when the Buchanans stopped giving him the prescribed drug. More recently, Gipper developed cancer of the thyroid. But, thanks to a treatment center called Radio Cat, he again recovered. He now weighs 13 pounds and is going strong. Mr. Buchanan boasted, "He's tougher than Jesse Ventura!" Politics is, of course, part of Gipper's routine. He comes to senior staff meetings, asking Mr. Buchanan to pick him up. And the cat has taken great pains to flatter the Secret Service men parked in a motor home outside the house. Mr. Buchanan told me "The head of the detail warned me the other day, 'If Gipper brings us one more chipmunk, bird, baby rabbit, lizard, or mole, we're going to report him to the SPCA!'" It's clear, then, that the Buchanans did not have their cat declawed, which is more than you can say for our current president. Mrs. Clinton recently told the world on TV, and without a hint of remorse, that Socks was declawed years ago – probably to save the White House furniture. Buchanan must just be the right person to step into Ross Perot's shoes in the Reform Party. After all, during the 1996 campaign, Mr. Perot had told a TV friend of mine who was interviewing him for 60 Minutes that "I wouldn't trust George Bush [senior] to take care of my cat for the weekend." Did Perot actually have a cat? "I don't know, Ma'am," one of his Washington volunteers told me. "But if you ask, it must be important." (Gosh! Reporters rarely get such courtly treatment.) The next day, a young woman called me from Dallas. "This is Tracy calling from Perot Petition Committee, United We Stand," she told me, shyly. "Mr. Perot had a cat, but she passed away last summer." Her name? "Honey." What color was she? A horrified silence, then a possibly improvised answer: "Honey-colored!" Cat-loving independents who are weepy over John McCain's retreat may want to think again. The McCain cats have all been declawed. There are four of them: Safari (black and white), Cuddles (calico), Smoky (gray), and Oreo (you guessed it). But McCain himself may not be the anti-claw member of the family. Perhaps it is the soignee Mrs. McCain who prefers furniture to cats. In general, the McCains are certainly animal lovers, with 32 pets if you count the 13 saltwater fish, two parakeets, and one gecko. When I read the definition of a gecko – "a small, harmless, nocturnal, insectivorous lizard" – to NPR's Scott Simon, he thought this might apply to certain members of Congress, too. The McCain aide who divulged these pet details was my favorite of all the staff members I called. When I asked how big Leo, the McCains' pet king snake, was, she hesitated, then said: "I assume he's the normal size for a king snake." George W. Bush may have claimed the top Republican spot, but his pets cannot compete in numbers with the McCain menagerie that also includes Jumbo and Bubba the miniature Dobermans, Spicy the rabbit, Casper the albino snake, Henrietta the iguana, Water Boy the water turtle, Cochise the horse, Fluffy the hamster, and Tiny the mouse. But Bush and McCain are still neck and neck in one respect: each has a springer spaniel – the McCains' Sam and the Bushes' Spot. Spot began life as one of those unnecessary puppies born to the Bush's White House dog Millie, who dictated a book to Barbara Bush praising "family, faith, and friends." I consider this book pompous, although I suppose the sins of Millie the mother shouldn't be attributed to Spot, the son. A point which could tell in W's favor is his obvious love for his three cats: India (black and white and nicknamed Willie, although female), Cowboy (black and long-haired), and Ernie (orange and white). Bush Jr. tells anyone who will listen how much he misses his cats while out on the stump – although he rarely mentions the dog. All the Bush cats are neutered, none declawed. As for the Democrats, the name of the Gores' black Labrador retriever, Shiloh, could get them in trouble on the order of the Confederate flag fracas. But a letter from a listener informed me that Shiloh is not only the location of a Civil War battle, but of a dog in a novel and a movie. The Gores also have a gray- and-white mutt who wandered in to their Tennessee farmyard "very thin and tired." Her name is Daisy and everybody loves her. (In Found Dogs, by Elise Lufkin, Daisy is said to have been rescued by one of the Gore kids while they were on vacation at a lake in Tennessee. Tipper took Daisy to the vet and then brought her back to Washington on Air Force Two.) Bill Bradley's candidacy never really took off, maybe because he has no pets. Or perhaps his insistence on personal privacy regarding religion, etc., might mean he has a pet, but refused to exploit it for cheap political advantage. As for the other also- rans, Alan Keyes had a golden retriever called Jason of the Golden Fleece, who died last summer at the age of 12. A campaign worker told me that Mr. Keyes and his wife and children are still heartbroken over this loss and have not taken on another pet. And the Steve Forbeses? I was told that they have 50 chickens, all of whom are pets, and that Mr. and Mrs. Forbes regularly "play with them" and feed them every day themselves. I was so surprised at this information that I forgot to ask if Forbes cleaned out the chicken coop himself. Rating the candidates as to their pets rather than their politics is easy. Pat Buchanan wins the prize for pure love of an animal. After I spoke with him I couldn't help wondering what a Buchanan presidency would mean for cats as a special interest group. With a real, hard-core cat freak in the White House, anything could happen. A Planned Parenthood for Cats drive? (Gipper has, I learned, been neutered) Life imprisonment for cat molesters? Gipper as Attorney General? Wait a minute: Vote for Pat Buchanan? Me? Why, my friends would never speak to me again! But I don't know: Cats make strange bedfellows. Alice Furlaud, a writer and broadcaster, lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts with her cat, Miss Pudding. Air Fair, an anthology of her NPR features, was published by Gibbs Smith Publishers in 1989. - ------- Memo to the Candidates from the editor: Hey, Guys: We're delighted that you're all taking good care of your pets but would like to point out that none of you, to the best of our knowledge, has taken your professed love of animals much further than your own pets at home. We'd love to see you step forward and show some concern for the plight of homeless animals. And we'd rush to the polls if any of you took issue with experimentation on animals or any of the major industries – food, fashion, science, entertainment, etc. – that exploit animals for profit. We should add (before all our readers write in to remind you!) that cats live longer, healthier lives when not allowed to roam out of doors on their own; that all pets should be adopted from shelters, not bought from stores; and that exotic animals are not suited to be pets. And finally, to George W: Your animal-friendly feelings seem to be confined to the indoors. Outside, you won't be winning any votes from the local duck population! - -------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 21:46:55 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Ezola to Defend NY Teacher Ezola Foster to Defend New York Teacher; Reform Party V.P. Candidate Was Target of Similar Attack SHERMAN OAKS, Calif., Oct. 19 /PRNewswire/ -- The following is being issued by Voice of Citizens Together: Ezola Foster, running mate of Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan, will appear at a rally supporting beleaguered New York City school teacher Margaret Bianculli- Dyber who was recently arrested while speaking out against illegal immigration. The rally will be held at noon next Saturday, October 21, near the corner of At Horseblock Road and North Ocean Avenue in Farmingville, Long Island, New York, one of many sites where illegal aliens gather each day. Foster, who was driven from her teaching job with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) for speaking out against illegal immigration, will call on Americans to defend their First Amendment rights to freedom of speech. Bianculli-Dyber was arrested on Sunday, October 15, by Suffolk County sheriffs and charged with trespassing and resisting arrest as she and other members of the Farmingville community protested a gathering of illegal aliens. According to witnesses, the sheriffs refused to arrest Mexican trespassers because "they didn't speak the language." Following the arrest, Hoy, a Long Island Spanish language newspaper, reported that Peter Vallone, majority leader of the New York City Council said, "It bothers me a lot that a person with such influence in the minds of thousands of our children as ideas so negative against immigrants." Hoy also reported that councilman Jose Rivera demanded that Mayor Giulianni fire Bianculli-Dyber. Glenn Spencer, host of the nationally syndicated talk show "American Patrol Report," and guest speaker at a Farmingville community meeting on October 14, said that Rivera's remarks were reminiscent of the attack on Ezola Foster by the LAUSD. "This is just like the attack on Ezola Foster after she appeared on Public Television in supporting legislation dealing with illegal immigration," Spencer said. "If these public officials get away with attacking an American for speaking out against lawbreakers we are all in serious trouble." Spencer also said that illegal aliens are not "immigrants." "What part of illegal don't they understand?" Spencer asked. At the October 14 meeting Spencer showed a video linking top management of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) to open borders advocates. Also appearing at the rally will be Ray Wysolmierski of the Long Island Quality of Life organization. SOURCE Voice of Citizens Together Web Site: - ----------- end ---------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 09:52:51 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] OR Secy of State: More Dirty Politics Dear Brigade, Please send your ideas to Eddie - - on what Oregon Brigaders can do about this outrage. And spread the words about this. All Americans need to know that this presidential election is a fraud! FTC-Linda From: To: Date sent: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 22:48:04 -0700 Subject: Pat may have no chance in OREGON!!! Please help... On Behalf of the Oregonians for Buchanan committee Linda, I wanted to write you to inform everyone of what's going on here in Oregon. It is utterly dispicable how the political process has been perverted to keep Pat Buchanan from getting much if any of the vote. For one, about two months ago, there was a meeting called together of all Reform Party of Oregon officials, and when they showed up, they found that they were outnumbered by Natural Law Party members. Mickey Summerhays, the Oregon Reform Party Chairwoman and others informed the rest of the group of reformers that they were merging with the Natural Law Party. Some had their responsibilities stripped from them and given to Natural Law Party members, and Mickey Summerhays was named the new Chairwoman of the (registered) Reform Party of Oregon. This is what happened. In 1998, the Reform Party failed to qualify for "minor party" status in the election, so they needed to gather signatures to reregister with the Secretary of State. Well, they dragged their feet. (almost obviously intentional) In the meantime we managed to get Pat on as an independent here in Oregon, just in case the Reform Party never qualified. Suddenly the Natural Law Party showed up with the required signatures, and changed their name to the Reform Party of Oregon. It was also discovered that Mickey Summerhays was one of the Ex committee members who met in Dallas to boot Pat off the email ballot, and off the convention nomination ballot, in Long Beach. We have pics showing her arm in arm of Pat Buchanan at a fund raiser here only a few weeks earlier, helping raise over $10,000 at two events. What a flip! Was it just coincidence that she never fully engaged the Party to get on the ballot, knowing Pat might be the nominee?? Soon thereafter, the voters' guides were printed with no inclusion of any text about Pat Buchanan, despite the fact he had been registered as an independent long before, but a whole page was included about John Haglin as the Reform Party nominee. In light of the FEC ruling and the California Superior Court judge's ruling, it was an illegal act of POLITICAL IDENTITY THEFT. The court battle was fruitless, and the media has ignored our story. The Secretary of State has devised a story that we missed a deadline for information as a Reform Party candidate. This is nonsense that must be stopped. Currently, we are striving to get the State to issue an addendum to the voters' guide to list Buchanan's bio and platform. Currently, he doesn't appear anywhere in the guide as a candidate except in fine print in the candidate reference list. THIS IS WRONG! We need the help of Oregonians and other Brigaders to call news talk shows, and expose our dilemma and the fraudulent acts in Michigan, Florida and even on Please let all know that Oregon is behind Buchanan, and that without this addendum, he has NO CHANCE OF WINNING without a miracle. Thank God miracles still occur, please be a part of it with us!! In deep gratitude, Eddie Willing Youth Coordinator, Buchanan/Foster 2000, Gresham, Oregon P.S. Thanks for the awesome page on Ezola's appearance here in Portland two weeks ago, it was excellent!! - -------- end ----------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 09:57:36 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Ezola: Correction! Liberty University Dear Brigade, Attention all Virginia Brigades: Ezola Foster will be at Liberty University on Monday Oct. 23 at 6:00pm, NOT Lynchburg University. Come on out to see Ezola and support the BUCHANAN/FOSTER ticket at Liberty University!!!! 6:00pm - Liberty University DeMoss Hall DH160 Lynchburg, VA For more information call 703-734-2700 or Carl Tate at 804-582-3106 Sorry about the confusion! - --------- end ------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 10:31:47 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] PJB: Alaska; Seattle; San Francisco; San Jose; Fresno; Bakersfield; Claremont; Los Angeles; San Diego For Immediate Release - Friday, October 20, 2000 Contact: Brian Doherty or Rick Mangus (703) 734-2700 BUCHANAN: ALASKA, SEATTLE, SAN FRANCISCO, SAN JOSE, FRESNO, BAKERSFIELD, CLAREMONT, LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO ***Monday, October 23, 2000*** Early am Alaska Time Pat Buchanan interviews on Anchorage, Alaska morning television. 11:00am AK Pat stops by KFAR 660Am station for an interview with “Problem Corner” host, Michael Dresser. Fairbanks, AK. 5-5:30pm AK Pat has an interview with KENI 650AM radio host Mike Pucrro. Anchorage, AK. 7:00pm AK Buchanan holds a town hall at the Regal Alaskan Hotel, 4800 Spenard Road, Anchorage, AK. ***Tuesday, October 24, 2000*** Early am AK Leaves Anchorage, AK for Seattle 1-2:00pm PT Pat Buchanan has a one hour interview with Salem Radio Network host, Michael Medved. ***October 25, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television in San Francisco, CA 10-11:00am PT Pat Buchanan interview on KQED 88.5FM, host Michael Krasny. San Francisco, CA. 7:00pm PT Town Hall meeting - California State University, Fresno, Satellite Student Union/Whitfield Hall, 5280 N. Jackson/MS #36, Fresno, CA. ***Thursday, October 26, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television in Bakersfield, California. 4:00pm PT Pat holds town hall meeting at Claremont McKenna College, Mary Pickford Auditorium, 500 East 9th Street, Claremont, CA. ***Friday, October 27, 2000*** Early am PT Early morning television in Los Angeles, CA. 12:00pm PT Pat Buchanan travels to the border to meet Bob Maupin, a rancher who drives around his 250 acres of land in an armored personnel carrier to protect his property from illegal immigrants. 3:30-4:00pm PT Pat Buchanan drops by The Roger Hedgecock Show KOGO 600AM - San Diego, CA. For more information contact Buchanan-Foster HQ: (703) 734-2700 - ---- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:56:04 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Ezola Defends Confederate Flag at Maurice's!! From: "lmvh" Subject: EZOLA DEFENDS THE CONFEDERATE FLAG AT MAURICE'S! Date sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 12:19:49 -0700 ****SUPPORT THE BUCHANAN/FOSTER TICKET**** AND THE CONFEDERATE FLAG Ezola Foster, the first black woman candidate for Vice President of the United States, holds a press conference with South Carolina businessman, Maurice Bessinger, in support of free speech and defends the right to fly the Confederate flag. Tuesday, October 24th - All Supporters Invited! Press Conference - 6:00-6:30pm Maurice's BBQ 1600 Charleston Highway West Columbia, SC Join Maurice Bessinger and Ezola Foster for a BBQ dinner immediately following the press conference. RSVP 803-791-5887 Come on out, bring a friend, and show your support for the Confederate flag, Maurice Bessinger, and the BUCHANAN/FOSTER ticket!!! For more information call 703-734-2700 - ------- end -------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 14:01:25 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] Debating For Dummies From: "lmvh" To: "Linda Muller" , Subject: Debating For Dummies Date sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:41:40 -0700 Note the last paragraph of this article! *** The following article appeared on the Wall Street Journal's "Opinion Journal" web site on October 19, 2000: JOHN FUND'S POLITICAL DIARY Debating for Dummies Ask a stupid voter, get a stupid question. By John Fund I'm a populist, and I believe in the common sense of the American people. But when the elite Commission on Presidential Debates assembles "undecided" Americans for its "town hall" presidential debates, it doesn't do the election process or the public's perception of average voters any favors. Let's drop the format entirely or screen the audience for folks who can make a serious, articulate point. There's nothing wrong with a little auditioning. As political consultant Jay Severin notes, the staged town-hall meeting guarantees "gimme" questions, as in "As president, what will you give me?" The Media Research Center noted that of the 15 questions posed during the town hall meeting, questions based on liberal premises outnumbered those based on conservative ones by 8 to 2, with five ideologically neutral questions. Morton Kondracke of Roll Call newspaper and Fox News, hardly a conservative, noted that "most of those questions, I believe, came out of left field. . . . You know, it was about did you enjoy executing people in Texas? You know, what about the Brady Bill? You know, it was what are you gonna do about prescription drugs for me? I mean it was basically, I think, questions that did not come straight down the playing field." But CNN's Bill Schneider called the citizen topics "the best questions in all the debates." Faria Chideya, a liberal journalist, called them "incredibly piercing, incredibly poignant." In truth, they were incredibly banal and poorly worded. I know that the 140 or so voters in the audience had been screened by Gallup to be "undecided" in the race, but that can mean either people who pay no attention to politics or are unlikely to vote, or St. Louis residents who figured out it made sense to play undecided on the phone with the Gallup poller to see what goodies they would get. I doubt the Gallup audience really reflected a group of voters who will actually go to the polls on Election Day. It's easy to see why Al Gore, trying his best to imitate Bill Clinton, lobbied for this format. It's hard to see why George W. Bush agreed. Especially after the ambush his father walked into at a similar town hall meeting in Richmond, Va., during the 1992 campaign. There a major television executive who attended the rehearsal was appalled to see moderator Carol Simpson of ABC coach the audience on what kind of questions to ask; she clearly picked people who were likely to trip up President Bush. During that debate, Mr. Bush became visibly upset at the way things were going and even looked at his watch to see when the agony would end. That gesture came across as insulting and cost him a great deal of momentum at a critical point in the campaign. A spontaneous debate format wouldn't involve Jim Lehrer of PBS screening and organizing the questions in advance. It would assemble a group of people with at least some knowledge of the political process, roughly balanced politically, and let them at the candidates. Or at the risk of defending my own profession, bring back the panel of journalists who used to participate in these debates before the commission and the presidential candidates spent too much time fighting over who would ask fair questions. The Commission on Presidential Debates was set up in 1987 to monopolize the debates so that only Republicans and Democrats would have a say at who addressed the American people. This year, their standards prevented three candidates with a following and a message from having a chance to address the American people: Ralph Nader of the Green Party, Pat Buchanan of the Reform Party and Harry Browne of the Libertarian Party. The voters are poorer for that restriction of information. Here's hoping that the candidates in 2004 will break free of the commission's embrace and let the networks and other groups have a crack at reinventing these stale debate formats. URL: - ------ end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 14:11:17 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] WV: Internet Polls Embarrass Phony Nerwork Media Polls From: Jerome Heinemann Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2000 13:19:27 -0400 Subject: WEST VIRGINIA REFORM PARTY PRESS RELEASE -- 19 OCT 2000 WV REFORM PARTY PRESS RELEASE INTERNET POLLS EMBARRASS PHONY NETWORK MEDIA POLLS --- Concern now for Fraudulent Election Results! WV - In a recent nationwide poll conducted by NETSCAPE, a major Internet Browser, Reform Party presidential candidate, Patrick J. Buchanan, received over 15% of the popular vote which stands in stark contrast to the major network reports of having only 1% - 5% of the popular vote. In addition to this and other Internet polls, many polls taken in Southern States show Buchanan at now over 20% or more of the vote, particularly since Buchanan is the only presidential candidate supporting the Southerner's right to display the Confederate Battle Flag and other historic memorabilia. Recent polls taken in the Ohio Valley, and other industrial areas, show organized labor split and deserting the Democratic Party in favor of Patrick Buchanan who, according to James Hoffa, Teamsters Union president, is "the only candidate that understands the problem of trade"! Buchanan has "Stood Up for American Steel" by demanding "fair-trade" and not 'free- trade"! And since Buchanan is the only presidential candidate to appear and speak at the recent "Annual Farm Aid Concert", lead by country music artist Willie Nelson, Buchanan's poll numbers have risen dramatically in the mid-west farm belt region as well, the traditional bed of the Republican Party. Thus Buchanan is doing what he said he would do, draw votes from the two monopoly political parties and build a new Reform Party of the United States of America! Over one-million people signed petitions to give Patrick Buchanan, and the Reform Party, ballot access in all 50 states, including 24,000 Mountaineers where Buchanan will appear under the WV Reform Party name. Since the major network moguls of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, AP & CBN, etc., jointly own the Voters News Service, Inc., and thereby control all electronic voting results from around the country, concern is mounting that Buchanan will not get an honest vote count! In the past while in the GOP, only in states where "paper ballots" were used, has Buchanan received an honest vote count since "paper ballots" can be hand-counted --- but no one can recheck an 'electronic voting machine', any more than they can a casino slot machine, or a state lottery machine - electronic machines can all be rigged accordingly! That is why within less than 10 minutes after the public voting precincts close, the national network media moguls are all "predicting" who the winner is --- before the votes are even counted! Here in WV, because of the harsh ballot access laws, WV Reform Party Gubernatorial Candidate, Louis J. Davis (Fairmont), was unable to obtain ballot access and is running as a "Write-In" candidate. Gubernatorial candidates were given 3 months or less to obtain almost the same signature requirements as presidential candidates who have 8 months for the same election! Nevertheless, Lou Davis is picking up voter support, signs are in place all around the state, and notices will be placed in all voting precincts announcing Louis J. Davis as a "Write-In" candidate for the WV Reform Party. So history may be in the making. At least here in WV, most voting precincts have "paper ballots" and therefore an honest vote count may be forthcoming. The WV Reform Party plans to credential official observers on behalf of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count (CFVC) to oversee an honest vote count in as many precincts as possible. The Reform Party expects to make history once again! WV Reform Party PRESS RELEASE, Jerry Heinemann, Press Agent, 1.304.456.4565 or 19 OCT 2000 - -------- end ------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 10:19:08 -0400 From: "Linda Muller" Subject: [BRIGADE] 1,000 Signs on the Street! Big Montanan Mini-Billboard Report From: "R.J. Brewer" To: Subject: Big Montanan Mini-Billboard Report - 1,000 signs on the Street Date sent: Sat, 21 Oct 2000 01:09:38 -0600 Dear Linda and Brigades, Big Montanan Mini-Billboard Report - 1,000 Signs on the Street! I am delighted to report that the goal of 1,000 of our "Buchanan for President" Mini-Billboards have been manufactured by hand and shipped to Buchanan Brigadiers and Reform Party Members Coast to Coast! These brilliant, eye catching Mini- Billboards are now being seen by Millions of Americans Every- Day in 42 States! Suzie Q and I want to thank the hundreds of our fellow Patriots who supported us in our effort. Its you fine folks who did the heavy lifting raising the money, finding the locations and dozens of different uses for the Mini-Billboards. Most of all we want to thank our friend Linda Muller for the instant access to the Brigades and immediate postings of our various appeals to get these signs out. This would not have happened without her! We are now officially sold out of signs. However we will continue to act as a clearing house so if you want signs or if you have extra signs Call or email us and we will put you folks together. We want to have all of these signs utilized and not sitting in the garage. Please call us now at 406-849-5577 if you have any extra Mini-Billboards or if you need some! In Iowa Keith and Susan Werning have 2 extra signs, you can call them direct at 319-223-5788. Remember to take care of your signs! Carefully remove the staples, clean and dry them and roll them up and put them where you can find them in 4 years! They are a quality product and they will be as good as new in 4 years when Pat runs for reelection! I am sure that I will have one on my office wall and in the garage as well. I might even leave one up! To all of the good friends we have made across this Country, you are the greatest! Now lets go out there and win one for the Gipper! For the Cause - Independence Forever! RJ Brewer - Montana Chairman Montanan Buchanan Brigade NatComm RPUSA - -------- end ------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the Trail.... with Pat Buchanan and Ezola Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Internet Brigade Headquarters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BUCHANAN-FOSTER 2000 HQ 1-800-GO-PAT-GO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------ End of brigade-l V1 #113 ************************