From: (James R. Rose) Newsgroups: alt.mindcontrol Subject: Soundbites Affirmations & 2ndary Reinforcers Date: 16 Sep 2002 17:06:32 -0700 Organization: Lines: 86 Message-ID: <> NNTP-Posting-Host: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Trace: 1032221192 11586 (17 Sep 2002 00:06:32 GMT) X-Complaints-To: NNTP-Posting-Date: 17 Sep 2002 00:06:32 GMT Path:!!!!not-for-mail Xref: alt.mindcontrol:2990 Whether those experiencing the voice communications relize it or not, they are being brainwashed and their thought-reactions are being reorganized through the artificial soundbite arrangements.Below are some positive-positive affirmations you can place into your Windows Media Player. They can be recorder through your computer with your own voice, or they can be written in the Say it program for mechanical soundbite arrangements. The Player on your computer has a tool for repeating of the soundbites continuously. For those experiencing verbal provides an alternate programming. My fake soundbites continue nevertheless, as do the simultaenious physical (aches, pains, sensations, heartrate manipulations of speed and rythm, irregular rythms, teeth pain, ear pain, noisy tone and oscilations, stings, itches,'J yur face ich n ya'J hold it'scraches it'I dont have to'I can resist scraching'J its yur arm sting ing u'yur n ass hole'u cant stand it'scrach it'and does it'), muscles rigid, scalp contractions (which cause rushes down the spine and or immmobilization-dizzyness) drives. The mental-physical arrangements are innumerable, as are the bizarre linguistic fictions. Play your own thru speakers or headphones. Example: Positive affirmation sequence I am clearly focussed J yur the smartest person (2ndary positive reinforcer, or its the truth, u just did it, thats m press iv, thats what U honestly b leve; as stated are innummerable combinations) yur not J yur dumb its the truth (conflict construct) Positive conditioning provides a window for the negative conflict conditioning arrangements. Positive feel good arrangements are readily acceptible by the subject-makes them feel good-confident-(or confused as shaping to act-actions-behavoirs) about themselves. More positive affirmations from Alphasonics subliminal tapes. (more I learn of operant conditioning and hypnotism the more apparrent it is what is being done, as you will after arranging your own sounbite programs, become more adept and at same time comprehend your own psuedo programmings. Countering the verbal conditioning-reorganizing is neccessary.) Deep Relaxation 'I let go of all tensions'I allow myself to do it'I release all concerns'I am safe'I am at peace'I breath freely'I breath health and joy into my life" Pain Release 'I release all tension'I let go of stress'U can free yourself from pain'I relax all aches and pains'aches and pains vanish'my body is comfortable and at ease' Insomnia Relief 'I relax my body'my mind is quiet'i am drwsy'I drift off to sleep"U awake refreshed from a full night's sleep' Restful Night's Sleep 'My sleep is peaceful'my body is relaxed'I allow myself to sleep well'my mind is still'I rest deeply' Releasing TMJ Stress 'My facial muscles are relaxed'(as opposed to 'my facial muscles are rigid')'my lower jaw is relaxed'my tongue is relaxed'I release stress'I let go of my fears'I let go of my anxieties' Psycho-Neuro-Immunology 'My body is healthy'my immune system is strong'all my cells function perfectly'my organs are renewed'I am vital and strong' Concentration I have deep concentration'my attention is strongly focussed'I am in control'I am calm and confident'I take charge of my mind' Loving and Feeling Loved 'My heart is full of love'I feel love for the people around me'I am a loving person'I am confident that I am lovable"I am loved" Organized and Efficient 'I organize my time'I plan my work'I am neat'I use my time efficiently'I complete my plans'I do my job well' Time Management 'I write down my goals'I plan ahead'I manage my time wisely'I am flexible'I have time for all my needs'I give myself time to relax' These are only a few. James